Monday, March 28, 2011

Workshop is On!

Saturday May 7th and Sunday May 8th Rush Creek Editions will hold it's first Digital Printmaking Workshop here in our Santa Fe Studio. "The Print and How to Get There" is for serious amateurs and professional photographers as well as fine artists who wish to gain sophistication and mastery with their printing. You will learn how to achieve the highest quality images on a number of different materials. You will make a 40" print as part of the workshop. One or two spaces are still available. Please contact Steve Zeifman for additional information and registration:    

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In and Out of Balance

With all things, the state of the world, at home here in the "United States" and even our Santa Fe, there is a need for balance. I know this as a printer, it's all about finding that sweet spot that every print has. The way color will pop naturally when neutral is found and then you push for the right hue and chrominance (saturation). The shadow and highlight detail is all about balance and compromise. Choosing the paper or material to print on, the texture and the base tonality. So much depends on balance, on experience, on knowledge and on chance. Then there is the artist and what they contribute. I have often said that Rush Creek is the Switzerland of printing, for my contribution must live in balance with what the artist wants. I try to achieve with every print, in a process of collaboration and joint knowledge, the right balance. I wanted to write about our world being so apparently out of balance, but in the end I decided to write about printing. Something I know.

Joanne Teasdale's Paintings and Photography can be seen on the Box Set Gallery and her website.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Last night I made my first print on our new 64" Epson Printer.  WOW!  I had no idea how much bigger a 60x84 inch print is.  It's glorious and it's ready for your next project. Come over and see for yourself. 

Here's a video that Tony Edwards (13 yrs old) shot and edited on his iphone to
document the occasion (below)

BIG prints at Rush Creek! from Tony Edwards on Vimeo.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Creek is Ready for Spring

As of today we have five photographers who have indicated an interest in our first workshop, looking for a one or two more to round out the session which will soon be scheduled for some time in April. Remember the workshop includes a large 40" print to be made by each participate. Please contact Steve for more information. 505-982-8293 or  Also visit the Virtual Workshop for some important tips about digital printing.

We are very excited about the "as big as life" addition to the Creek, an Epson 64" large format pigment printer. With this we will be ready for the really big prints, that some of us have dreamed about for years.

Also in the news:  Wendy Jordan, "Moments of Connection" box set is online at the Box Set Gallery and an exhibition of prints here in Santa Fe at Matrix Arts at 429 Sandoval Street through March.

                                                                                           ©2011 Wendy Jordan

Monday, March 7, 2011

Box Sets Make The Best First Impression

For the last seven years we have been creating box set portfolios for many photographers and other fine artists. My philosophy was simple, take the path that most successful fine art photographers take, build a portfolio and present it. Usually a box set would come later in game for an artist, an offering of a "body of work" as a coda to a career of many shows, publications and of course being collected.

All the major fine art photographers have created box sets and they are indeed a wonderful way to present. My approach was to bring this idea forward in the artist timeline, utilizing the digital printing format, the box set has become a tool to present an emerging or unknown artist to the world. The formality of the box set assists in open doors for shows, publishing and can be tool to create an environment for individual print & portfolio sales. I thought, why wait, "you" need all the help you can get right now.

For more info and examples please visit our Box Set Gallery and site on Artnet.